sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

200 Reasons To Love Demi Lovato

Hi! I am a Brazilian fan and now I'll post the 200 reasons to love Demi Lovato, so to celebrate his birthday in some way. So here we go!

#1. His Story

Demi Lovato is an example of strength and faith. We should all follow him. 

#2. His Smile 

His Smile make happiness of all the lovatics.

#3. His Voice.

When his open the mouth, we know: A amazing voice will come out.

#4. Her Hair
 Many colors passed through his head, but his hair will always be beautiful.

#5. Her Clothes

 Demi, give me your wardrobe!

#6. Her Body

This Body is so Amazing!

#7. Her Dance

#8. Her Gaze
Hahaha, Lovely <3

#9. Her Laugh


#10. Her Fans
Always love you , Demi!

                          This was the first # 10 reasons, wait the next <3 xox '




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